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Home > Chapter 4: Dynamic Programming


Perform iterative policy evaluation of an agent's policy within an environment, returning state values.

    :param agent: MDP agent. Must contain a policy `pi` that has been fully initialized with instances of
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: Minimum tolerated change in state-value estimates, below which evaluation terminates. Either `theta`
    or `num_iterations` (or both) can be specified, but passing neither will raise an exception.
    :param num_iterations: Number of evaluation iterations to execute.  Either `theta` or `num_iterations` (or both)
    can be specified, but passing neither will raise an exception.
    :param update_in_place: Whether to update value estimates in place.
    :param initial_v_S: Initial guess at state-value, or None for no guess.
    :return: 2-tuple of (1) dictionary of MDP states and their estimated values under the agent's policy, and (2) final
    value of delta.


Perform iterative policy evaluation of an agent's policy within an environment, returning state-action values.

    :param agent: MDP agent.
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: Minimum tolerated change in state-value estimates, below which evaluation terminates. Either `theta`
    or `num_iterations` (or both) can be specified, but passing neither will raise an exception.
    :param num_iterations: Number of evaluation iterations to execute.  Either `theta` or `num_iterations` (or both)
    can be specified, but passing neither will raise an exception.
    :param update_in_place: Whether to update value estimates in place.
    :param initial_q_S_A: Initial guess at state-action value, or None for no guess.
    :return: 2-tuple of (1) dictionary of MDP states, actions, and their estimated values under the agent's policy, and
    (2) final value of delta.


Run policy iteration on an agent using state-value estimates.

    :param agent: MDP agent. Must contain a policy `pi` that has been fully initialized with instances of
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: Minimum tolerated change in state-value estimates, below which evaluation terminates.
    :param update_in_place: Whether to update value estimates in place.
    :return: Final state-action value estimates.


Run policy iteration on an agent using state-value estimates.

    :param agent: MDP agent. Must contain a policy `pi` that has been fully initialized with instances of
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: Minimum tolerated change in state-value estimates, below which evaluation terminates.
    :param update_in_place: Whether to update value estimates in place.
    :return: Final state-value estimates.


Run dynamic programming value iteration on an agent using state-value estimates.

    :param agent: MDP agent. Must contain a policy `pi` that has been fully initialized with instances of
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: See `evaluate_v_pi`.
    :param evaluation_iterations_per_improvement: Number of policy evaluation iterations to execute for each iteration
    of improvement (e.g., passing 1 results in Equation 4.10).
    :param update_in_place: See `evaluate_v_pi`.
    :return: Final state-value estimates.


Gambler's problem MDP environment.


Run value iteration on an agent using state-action value estimates.

    :param agent: MDP agent. Must contain a policy `pi` that has been fully initialized with instances of
    :param environment: Model-based MDP environment to evaluate.
    :param theta: See `evaluate_q_pi`.
    :param evaluation_iterations_per_improvement: Number of policy evaluation iterations to execute for each iteration
    of improvement.
    :param update_in_place: See `evaluate_q_pi`.
    :return: Final state-action value estimates.