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Home > MuJoCo Swimming Worm


You can read more about this environment here. Many of the issues involved in solving this environment are addressed in the continuous mountain car and continuous lunar lander case studies, so we will focus here on details specific to the MuJoCo swimming worm environment. There are not many. Except for a minor change of learning rates, this problem was solved with a direct application of the same policy gradient method detailed in the prior case studies. The training time was significantly greater, but the environment itself is simpler: no fuel levels and a simpler reward function.


A few key points of development are worth mentioning.

State Features

As described in the code for this environment, the worm is characterized but the usual set of angles and velocities, all of which are in the range [-infinity, +infinity]. In this type of state space, the best action to take at a given time likely depends on all state variables at that time. When all variables are continuous as here, a straightforward way of encoding this dependence is to form a discrete category for each possible combination of state-variable signs. With an 8-dimensional state, this results in 2^8=256 state categories. Only one of these categories is active at any particular time step, so we also call this a one-hot state category representation. The active category is associated with the values of the state features (angles and velocities), and all inactive state categories receive zeros. This results in a 2049-dimensional state vector (2^8 * 8 feature values, plus the intercept).

Action Models

The swimming worm defines two actions corresponding to the continuous torques (each in [-1, +1]) applied at the two joints. We build a policy for these torques by modeling two beta distributions in terms of the 2049-dimensional state vector described above. Specifically, for each beta distribution (torque action), we model shape parameter a as a linear function of the 2049-dimensional state vector and shape parameter b as another linear function of the 2049-dimensional state vector. Thus, there are 4098 parameters per action for a total of 8196 parameters in the complete policy. The training episodes provide updates for these parameters via determinations of whether the actions taken performed better (i.e., swimming farther) or worse than estimated by a baseline state-value estimator. These better and worse determinations – combined with the gradient of the beta distribution PDF with respect to the policy parameters – improve the policy over time. See the continuous mountain car for details of these calculations using JAX for automatic function differentiation.

Baseline and Policy Gradient Learning Rates

The full argument list for training the agent is provided below. These arguments are quite similar to those used in other case studies for continuous control, except in one regard: in other studies, setting a value of --eta0 (the learning rate for the baseline state-value estimator) equal to --alpha (the learning rate along the policy gradient) worked fine. In the case of the swimming worm, for reasons I have not identified, setting these learning rates to be equal never resulted in effective learning. Setting --eta0 to be 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than --alpha did work.


The following command trains an agent for the MuJoCo swimming worm environment using policy gradient optimization with a baseline state-value estimator:

rlai train --random-seed 12345 --agent rlai.policy_gradient.ParameterizedMdpAgent --gamma 1.0 --environment rlai.core.environments.gymnasium.Gym --gym-id Swimmer-v5 --render-every-nth-episode 500 --video-directory ~/Desktop/swimmer_videos --T 500 --train-function rlai.policy_gradient.monte_carlo.reinforce.improve --num-episodes 50000 --v-S rlai.state_value.function_approximation.ApproximateStateValueEstimator --feature-extractor rlai.core.environments.gymnasium.SignedCodingFeatureExtractor --function-approximation-model rlai.models.sklearn.SKLearnSGD --loss squared_error --sgd-alpha 0.0 --learning-rate constant --eta0 0.001 --policy rlai.policy_gradient.policies.continuous_action.ContinuousActionBetaDistributionPolicy --policy-feature-extractor rlai.core.environments.gymnasium.SignedCodingFeatureExtractor --alpha 0.00001 --update-upon-every-visit True --num-episodes-per-checkpoint 500 --checkpoint-path ~/Desktop/swimmer_checkpoint.pickle --save-agent-path ~/Desktop/swimmer_agent.pickle --log DEBUG

The arguments are explained below.




Training Function and Episodes

Baseline State-Value Estimator




The following sequence of videos shows the progression of swimmer policies.

First Agent: Random

This is the result on the first training episode, where the agent is purely random.

Scooping Segment

This is the result after several thousand training episodes. The agent has developed a scooping action with the front segment, but without much coordination of the back segment.

Improved Front Oscillations

Compared with the previous, this agent makes fuller oscillations of the front segment, but it still exhibits little coordination with the back segment.

Coordinated Segments

This is the first part of training in which clear coordination appears between the front and back segments, resulting in smoother, faster swimming.


The policy collapsed at some point between the previous stage and this one, likely the result of a step size (--alpha) that was too large. Restarting just prior to this episode with a smaller step size permitted continued progress.

Final Agent

This is the final agent, which shows coordinated actuation of the front and back joints.

The agent seems effective, but it took ~70,000 episodes and about 3 days of runtime to train. See here for how I sped things up.